
Balance is at the root of most people's joint pain.

Almost all the clients I see will say “Oh my balance is terrible.”

Yet they never think to work on it. Balance is one of the easiest things to work on, and the most important. Building balance builds foot, knee and hip strength as well. It’s an all-round great place to start to protect your whole body. It’s the anchor for the whole of your body.

We need to work on our balance because we have removed much of the need for balance in our daily lives. Our environment is full of crutches that we use so our bodies fall out of the habit of balancing for themselves. We often expect our balance to get worse as we get older when it’s really related to inactivity not age. Even a really active person will do a lot less than our brains and muscles need to do to keep us safe in our environment. Our flat pavements and sedentary lives mean we're hardly asked to balance at all. So how do we fix this and work on our balance? We’ve got two great video resources below so why not check them out.

At Leith Pilates we fit balance work into every class so you don't need to remember to do it by yourself.


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