

As with any sport having the right equipment can make your experience more effective as well as more challenging. We have everything you need in the studio but if you want to stay on top of your Pilates regime at home then we can recommend some (or all) of the following.

The Items marked as Priority have been deemed essential if you plan to do your classes from home. If you don’t have all the equipment but want to begin don’t panic here are some items commonly found at home that you can use:

Weights 1-2kg

Priority We use weights a lot in our classes, to help with balance and strength. If you decide to do your classes online we would highly recommend investing in a set.

Swiss Ball

These are used occasionally in our classes to aid in our building of core strength.


These are a great investment for those of you that want to bring the teaching of Pilates into your own home. Using bolsters aids in hip flexion and promotes better posture.

They can also be used as a weight too

Foam Roller

Priority. We use the foam roller at the start of every class and encourage our clients to use them before classes too to get the fascia moving.

Magic Circle (or Hoop)

Priority. Recently added to Andy’s “Priority” list, the hoop is used frequently in classes. It aids in the alignment of the pelvis and other joints when used in movements

Red Ball

Priority. The soft red ball is a staple in the Leith Pilates Studio classes. It is used to grip onto, balance on and stretch over.

Stretchy Bands

Priority. Another heavily used piece of equipment, the stretchy bands can come in a variety of resistance strengths. We recommend that you get a pack of a few to see which works best for you in different movements.

Spiky Ball

The spiky ball isn’t a Priority purchase at the moment, but the use on your feet to get the fascia moving, or loosen your glutes is wonderful. It can make all the difference to your movements in the class when used beforehand.

Yoga Strap

This is a handy piece of equipment if you are a beginner and your mobility and flexibility isn’t great. It allows you to pull your body into alignment and stretches you wouldn’t otherwise achieve.